“Is That All There Is?”

The Strange Life of Peggy Lee

Over de show

Peggy Lee. Een van de grootste zangeressen uit de jazzhistorie. Een stem die niet zo leed-overgoten klonk als Billie Holiday, ook niet zo jubelend door alle registers als Ella. Maar sensueel, swingend en bluesy - en met een enorm gevoel voor timing en tekst. Daarnaast was ze creatief tot in haar tenen, ze schreef veel teksten en maakte veel arrangementen ook zelf. Een bijzonder leven had ze zeker! Corinna en de Cosmopolitans spelen veel prachtige hits van Peggy Lee zoals 'Fever', 'I'm A Woman', en natuurlijk 'Is That All There Is?" - haar lijflied bij uitstek. Een aantal bekende liedjes die ze zelf schreef, maar ook andere pareltjes. Iedere song heeft wel een bijzonder verhaal hoe die tot stand gekomen is; vlot en bondig gepresenteerd uiteraard! Al met al geeft het een prachtig overzicht van haar leven en tevens een interessant beeld van de veranderende tijdgeest van vorige eeuw.


Peggy Lee- who doesn’t love her voice, swing, sense of humor and coolness!

One of the greatest voices in jazz history. A voice, not as mournful as Billie Holliday’s, not as virtuosic as Ella’s, but sensual, swinging and bluesy- and with a phenomenal sense of timing and storytelling. Being incredibly creative, she wrote the lyrics and arrangements to many of her iconic songs. Miss Lee was an extraordinary woman and what a ‘Strange Life’ she lived! In this tribute Corinna & The Cosmopolitans play her greatest hits such as ‘Fever’, ‘I’m a WOMAN, and of course ‘Is That All There Is?’, her personal anthem; but also beautiful hidden gems. She collaborated with all her contemporaries, such as Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Judi Garland, Frank Sinatra, Quincy Jones, Paul McCartney. Again and again Miss Lee had a flawless sense of the times; her reinvented sound and image bringing her renewed popularity many times over the span of her 7 decades long career.

Every song has an extraordinary story, making this show a colourful portrait of her exceptional life, while also painting a vivid picture of bygone eras of the last century. Get ready for lots of super swinging and fun songs, and many lively stories!

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The Cosmopolitans

Mark van der Feen is een begenadigd en veelgevraagd pianist in de jazz scene. Hij speelde met musici als Louis van Dijk, Jesse van Ruller, Benjamin Herman en Peter Beets. Opgegroeid in een muzikale familie is hij van jongs af aan al geïnteresseerd in vele verschillende muziekstijlen en ensembles, van big band tot jazz kwartet. Ook combineert Mark graag klassieke muziek en jazz in piano solo concerten. Op internationale concoursen won hij meerdere prijzen, o.a. de 2de prijs in de Classic FM Piano Competition en twee keer de Steinway prijs tijdens de Montreux International Piano Competition.


Mark van der Feen is an amazing and much sought-after jazz pianist. He collaborated with greats such as Louis van Dijk, Jesse van Ruller, Benjamin Herman and Peter Beets. He grew up in a musical family; the band ‘The Feen Brothers’ are a staple in the Dutch jazz scene. Being inspired by many different styles and genres from a very young age, he is active in various bands, from big band to jazz quartet. He likes to combine jazz and classical piano in solo concerts. Mark has been successfully competing internationally, coming in 2nd at the Classic FM Competition and is a two time winner of the Steinway prize at the Montreux International Piano Competition.

Mark van der Feen - piano

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Initially trained as a classical drummer, Victor de Boo soon switched to jazz. He is featured on tens of albums; several recorded as a leader. Among them a tribute to the late Sean Bergin, with whom he has led the longest running jam session in Amsterdam at café ‘De Engelbewaarder’. He played with musicians as Hans Dulfer, Benjamin Herman, Jeroen Willems, Oleta Adams, Dr. Lonnie Smith, Gregory Porter, George Duke and Chris Potter, in his capacity as leader of the Ob6sions (Obsessions), the house band on National Dutch Live Jazz Radio. Together with his fellow member of the Ob6sions, double bass player Sven Schuster, they form the tightest rhythm section for many miles around.

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Victor de Boo - drums

Sven Schuster was born in Wolfsburg Germany and studied in Graz Austria at the Hochschule für Musik and the Conservatory in Hilversum in the Netherlands. He is a fine composer and arranger for the Amstel Big Band. Besides having his own bands, he has played with all the visiting  jazz stars while on tour as part of the Ob6sions (Obsessions), the house band on national Dutch Live Jazz Radio. With drummer Victor de Boo, they form the tightest rhythm section for many miles around.

Read the praise for double bass player Sven Schuster:

The Dutch newspaper NRC writes: “...An enormous amount of energy and creativity is pressed in a miraculous but always natural and atmospheric mixture of power jazz, blues, latin and funk..." and: "...In the tunes where he uses his bow, Schuster paints subtle line patterns full of sepia melancholy, that give you goosebumps while listening..."

Other Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant writes about the CD: "Schuster, a convincing soloist , plays warm and melodic; his bowed lament in Mingus' Goodbye Pork Pie Hat sounds like Hendrix screaming and is courageous and moving...”
The Dutch magazine Jazz writes: “...listen to the outstanding bowing on Goodbye Pork Pie Hat' by Charles Mingus and the pleasant enthusiasm in his own compositions…”

In 1991 Schuster won the title “Best soloist" at the Middle Sea Jazztreffen.

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Sven Schuster - contrabas